
The Simulaton Life

Our Philosophy

The Simulaton Life website provides a place on-line for interested individuals to develop skills in simulation using meditation, visualization, and software tools for understanding complex systems. We appreciate the just do it approach to life but realize that it can be hard to anticipate one's impact in doing without understanding one's potential contribution in action. Each one of us perturbs many complex systems on a daily basis and each perturbation has consequences, some big and some small. The simulaton life is one where one finds a deep fascination in the systems we perturb and enjoys contemplating an understanding of components.

Dr. Bruce Donald Campbell

Bruce hopes to be a valuable simulaton community member wherever his best contribution can be made. He appreciates the benevolent dictator skills of many technology gurus but believes such trust by a community should be earned on a daily basis. Ideally, other community members will have superior skills and effectiveness in leading a simulaton life movement in society, but for now he's willing to attempt to seed this community as a leader. Bruce earned his PhD in Systems Engineering from the University of Washington upon being formally trained by faculty with significant Ford and Boeing industrial engineering systems experience. He worked hard to bring that exposure to the study and investigation of natural systems and spent time with hydrology, computational biology, and emergency response communities to build software that could help interested parties learn more deeply about the behavior of natural systems. His doctoral thesis work suggested hopeful contributions of his approach to society.

Community Approach

Starting with a book, The Simulaton Life, that motivates simulation study — and three software bases that demonstrate useful approaches to investigation — our community will have the opportunity to suggest complex systems for study and develop open source solutions for shared contempation worldwide. Example projects include container ship cargo loading for safe ocean passage and geyser behavior simulation in the presence of vent garbage plugging by visitors to Yellowstone National Park in the USA. We look for opportunities where visualization, interaction, and realistic simulated physics shed light on system behavior.


The Simulation Life simulationlife.net worldwide bdc105@simulatonlife.net