Located At: 1028 1ST AVE. S, SEATTLE WA 98134
Hours: M-F 10am to 8pm


Studio Artists:

Keith Lewis
Chi Chi Singler
Jeff Zoloth
Richard Hutter
Pam McCarty Robins
Alegra Samuelson
Tiffany Samuelson
Mark Walling
Marc Lawrence
Patte Loper

ArtStar Staff

keith tabellione
Kim Hansen
Josie Bockelman
Dennis Kempe

Artists in Residence:

Jenny Heishman
Liz Tran



Josie Bockelman
Program Coordinator

What would we do without Josie? A talented artist and a crucial member of the ArtStar Project. A dedicated selfless volunteer.

Copyright 2001 JHHProductions, All rights reserved.